Finding People of Peace in a World of Chaos

This last Sunday was so powerful and I wanted to take some time and write on this topic in more detail. This is such a profound concept for us to embrace in our walk as followers of Jesus that live with Kingdom Anticipation [Sermon Link].

Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt at ease because of someone’s presence? Or maybe you’ve met a person who always brings calm in the middle of life’s storms? These are what the Bible calls people of peace—individuals God has already prepared to receive His Kingdom.

In Matthew 10:11-14, Jesus instructed His disciples to look for such people in every town they entered. He told them to let their peace rest on a home that welcomed them and to move on if it wasn’t received. Why?

>>> the gospel moves at the speed of relationships. (Carey Nieuwhof) <<<

The Kingdom of God advances when we, as believers, intentionally seek out people whom God is already stirring. Think of it like fishing—any experienced fisherman doesn’t just throw a net anywhere; they look for movement in the water, the right conditions, and the best spots. In the same way, we need to pay attention to where God is moving.

Who Are the People We Meet?

We encounter many types of people daily, but not all are ready to receive what God is doing. The Bible describes different personalities:
  • The Angry Person – Quick-tempered, often leading to conflict (Proverbs 22:24-25).
  • The Lazy Person – Avoids responsibility and struggles to grow (Proverbs 13:4).
  • The Joyful Person – Uplifting, carrying the joy of the Lord (Nehemiah 8:10).
  • The Peaceful Person – Brings calm and harmony (Matthew 5:9).
  • The Wise Person – Seeks understanding and lives by truth (Proverbs 9:10).
  • The Generous Person – Gives freely and trusts God (Proverbs 11:25).
  • The Encourager – Speaks life and inspires faith (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

But when Jesus sent out the seventy-two disciples (Luke 10:5-6), He told them to look for those who received peace—the People of Peace.

How Do You Recognize a Person of Peace?

A Person of Peace is someone who:
Likes you – They enjoy your company and are drawn to you.
Listens to you – They are open to your wisdom and faith.
Lingers around you – They naturally want to be around you.

Jesus didn’t just send His 12 disciples—He sent 72. Why? Because evangelism is for all believers, not just pastors! You don’t have to be a preacher to make an impact. You just need to recognize where God is already moving and step into the opportunity.

Who in your life fits this description? 

A coworker, a barista, a gym partner? Maybe it’s someone who always seems drawn to your words and presence. God has placed you in your community, workplace, and relationships for a reason. Start noticing who is naturally drawn to you—because that could be where He’s already working.

Next Sunday, we’ll continue this conversation. Bring a friend who is searching for peace and let’s discover God’s plan together!

? Watch [Full Message]

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